(Warning: This is a personal post. Heavy amounts of hate may ensue. Labelling may also ensue.)
I am Bi-Gender. It is who I am, and according to my brain, I sure as hell am not going to be returning to the "male" status any time in the future.
Gang? I AM NOT MALE. GET. IT. STRAIGHT. I am Bi-Gender, and therefore have both male and female qualities about me.
Recently, I've been leaning more and more towards my female tendencies, both in dress and mannerisms. This can be problematic, as was proved tonight. I spent the evening with my sister, and we went out in public, to a shopping centre. My sister has a wig, and let me wear it for the evening. So, I went out in my flats, my dress under a (female style) hoodie, and the wig on. This left a minor amount of skin - a little of my chest that would normally be covered by a t-shirt - and therefore odd for me. Problems begin: being physically male, my facial structure is slightly different, and I freaking grow facial hair. Constantly. Kills me. But I shaved this morning, so it shouldn't have really been noticeable... It seems it was. We were passing by a restaurant with full windows, and several of the... patrons... were watching us pass. Now, me, being who I am, know what a suspicious look is. All five of these patrons had it on while watching us. That was the first warning bell that something was seriously up.
The second came, I believe, when those same five patrons drove by us while we were walking back to my sister's apartment - the car with them in it was going slow(er than normal for that road), and the three in the back seat turned to stare at us. Now, these are not just kids. These are high school or early college jocks, the kind that like to beat up people when they decide to. Now mind, I could easily press charges, or take at least a couple of them down with me, but still... I didn't want to put my sister in that situation. Fortunately, they didn't circle or anything that I noticed - and believe me, I was checking.
Third problem was a little farther into that walk. It's dark out - plenty dark - and the only illumination is streetlights. Three other guys were walking in our direction. Having just dealt with a paranoia situation already, I was pretty on edge. We passed the group finally with no incident, but I could hear them as they walked on, with at least one derisive comment about weirdness and some sharp laughter at it. Needless to say, I was pretty jumpy for the rest of the night.
After some analysis, I'm pretty sure there are two things that may have set them off. One, the light stubble. Again. Fuckin' male body. Two, the wig. It was a rather... unnatural shade of black, and looked too much like a wig, not regular hair. I have a feeling that is what really set it off. This tells me two things.... First, I need to get some shit that'll help with the facial hair - apparently it exists - and second, I need a wig that actually looks real.
(For the record: The only reason I want a wig is because my own hair turns into an afro if I grow it out. Not shitting. My dad has the same hair, and when I mentioned straightening it, he said not to bother, because it would just become worse. I'm inclined to believe and agree with him.)
So yeah. I know this was a rant, but I'm tired of all this. I am who I am. Period. Ain't gonna change, and fuck you if you think you can change it. And if, by some chance, you think you can change it, and do something to try to... I will fuck you up. Not threatening, just promising. I don't take too kindly to people who attempt to hurt me. End of line.
Until next time.
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